Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Going to Disney World

In the early 1980s I went to Disney World with my parents, several of my siblings (can't remember which ones were on the trip) and some very close friends of the family from France. I was about 5 1/2 years old then and my development called for spinning around in circles. Do you ever notice how kids from the ages between 2 and 5 just are constantly moving - they're always on the go - and some will just spin themselves around endlessly in circles? I could get enough of the rotating movement at the age of 5 and my favorite ride at Disney World was the teacups. Oh man! Did I love the teacups? I couldn't get enough of them! My brothers took me on them several times and as soon as the ride ended, I wanted to get back on for another shot. So I made my sister take me on the next time (poor thing - she gets terribly motion sick) and made her suffer through it. As a kid, you can be so self-centered and completely blind to others sufferings so that all that is important is getting your way. Even handicapped people with all their ailments can become self-centered and so we have to look beyond our selves and see how others are hurting too. My sister was very loving to be willing to go on those teacups with me in spite of the fact she gets motion sickness, just to give me the pleasure of spinning in circles for the third, fourth or fifth time. I was a glutton for punishment! It wasn't like I hadn't been on the teacups before and I didn't need to go on them five times. This incident sticks out in my memory because I insisted on getting what I wanted in spite of the fact that it made my sister sick to satisfy my wants. Yet, she sacrificed for me. And looking back on that little incident teaches me that the name of the game is not to get caught up in what WE want but to focus on what God wants for us. So many people are hurting and it is good if we can take time out from our hectic busy lives to listen to God, pray and try to ease others burdens, either by words of kindness, a smile now and again, or just being there for someone.
What does God want for us? Do we ask Him that question or do we presume He wants for us what we want for ourselves?


  1. Loved this story...however the teacups do bring back memories and caused me to get dizzy while reading this...just kidding.

  2. I just remembered the other day that during our visit to Disney I had to take a break between each ride to get suctioned and go on the respirator to be rejuvenated. At that time I was on a positive pressure respirator but I was strong enough then that I didn't need to be on the respirator full time. I had to be suctioned because with positive pressure you get moisture and bacteria in the tubing and with it the build up of secretions in the lungs. So, suctioning takes out all the secretions and keeps the lungs clear.


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