Sunday, May 24, 2009

Childhood Adventures

As I try to keep this blog going, I am trying to think of interesting and entertaining stories to relate to my readers. One story comes to mind that fits in the category of "exciting". When I was growing up, we lived in the mountains of Vermont and we got a lot snow there in the winters. So much that it went up to the windows of our house. It was really great for sledding! Sledding on it after it was all packed down was like floating on air sometimes. We lived on a huge piece of property with two guest houses, a stable, a log cabin and a huge yard behind our house that was bordered with a white picket fence. The first guest house was up above our house and so these houses were separated by a stonewall and a lawn going up a steep hill. So there was lots of acreage that we (us kids) used as our playground. Just give us a runner sled and my brothers and I were off to the races! On one of our sledding excursions, we started at the guest house up above and we got such a fast start that we went zooming down the hill, over the stonewall, over another stonewall that behind our family's house, and over the picket fence down below. But, the snow was so high and so deep that we didn't feel a thing!!! No bumps, no nothin' going over the walls and fence. It was exhilarating!!! One of those rollercoaster experiences that kids crave in their youth. Looking back on it, I think I must have been crazy to let my brothers take me on such a ride. But you know, I'm glad they treated me like a normal child and included me in on their fun. Another time my brother and I went sledding down the driveway which was like two miles long and there was a bend in it. Well, we started out at a really fast speed but we got off course and crashed into a snowback of fluffy white snow. No harm was done, except it knocked my front tooth that was on the verge of falling out. When I came inside, my mother thought that we had a horrible accident because my mouth was bleeding quite profusely from the missing tooth. I didn't see any big deal in the whole affair, but my brother was heavily reprimanded for not taking better care of me. I couldn't wait till we could do it again!! Never mind the bloody mouth and the tooth falling out - bring on the adventure!

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