Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Visual Aids for Trach Patients

Here's living proof - Trachs can be used with the Porta Lung.
Our own invention made from a suction catheter.
Where there's a will, there's a way!

Trachs are not always the most pleasant things but sometimes they are necessary evils, especially for people like me who cannot cough and need to be suctioning now and again. Suctioning - another necessary evil. Trachs should not prohibit you from using a Porta Lung. If you have a trach, discover the Porta Lung, and believe it could be beneficial to you - go for it!!! As you can see from the pictures above, I use a trach in my Porta Lung. We invented a temporary trach from a suction catheter which we put in at night to ensure my stoma stays outside the collar and the air isn't sucked out of me.
I have had a trach since the beginning of my rendevous with spinal meningitis. My trach has been become something just there. It is the first thing kids notice. Like clockwork, 3-6 year olds will usually see my trah and ask me "What happened? What is that hole in your throat?" (pointing to their own throats). If they're really curious they will ask "Why don't have one?" This always gives me a laugh and I'll give different whimisical, comical answers back - like, "Aunt Therese is special" or "Aunt Therese is alien", "Aunt Therese is different." But then I back up the funny answer with a serious one like "Aunt Therese got sick when she was a baby and that's why she can't walk."

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