Monday, July 8, 2013

All the World Loves a Party!

The Dynamic Duos Reunited
(Oh dear! Late night. From my grayish looking skin it looks I need my Porta Lung.)
Brotherly love!
A superstar entrance

Paul's 40th birthday bash

Paul turned the big 40 in February. For two years prior he had been talking (nonstop) about his 40th birthday. He specifically asked his family to give him a birthday extravaganza, like a wedding, with music and dancing where the ENTIRE family gathered together. Well... He didn't get a party on that level....but close. It was impossible to get all 120 of us together in February in Naples, Florida so Paul settled for a party in the north and a party in the south. Family members were allowed to choose which party they could and would attend. Some relatives came to both parties.
His family in Florida gave him a big birthday bash at the Naples Beach and Golf Resort. We got decked out in our finest attire and gathered in a private dining room to celebrate the gift of Paul. Three round dining tables which seated six were set up with a special place designated for the birthday boy. The rest of us chose where we sat. There was wine, h'ouderves, and a five course meal. The works. After we all were seated, Paul (at his request) was introduced and he sprinted into the dining room with his hands raised in the air, just like your favorite football player would run out onto the field at the start of a game. The smile was to die for! His elaborate superstar entrance was accompanied by his fans singing, For He's A Jolly Good Fellow. Then Paul took his place next to his father. Everyone toasted the birthday boy, except Yours Truly. Mea culpa, mea culpa! Being his baby sister I could have given an awesome toast but I clutched at the thought of having to speak in front of a group of people - all of whom are family members. Pathetic. Then my worry was: How do I pick out one or two memories from a lifetime of memories with my favorite brother to talk about in a one or two minute speech? So I forfeited my opportunity. Maybe I will have the courage to toast Paul at his 50th birthday.
Paul toasted his parents, who (to use his own words) "had him". lol! Truer words were never spoken. Thank you, Paul. Your party was a blast!


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