Friday, June 21, 2013

Fly Away to (Another) Home

Summer is finally here! It is time to inform my audience on what I've been doing for the last 8-10 months in my absence of writing. I have been in . . . . . . SCHOOL!!! Engrossed, mesmerized, buried, overwhelmed, overloaded, (semi) overworked, obsessed with getting the best grades possible and emersed in theology and doing EXACTLY what my teachers want from me. I had it up to (points to the apex of her head) here with textbook reading, writing papers and meeting deadlines! I will enjoy the two month break from academia. :)

This means I said bye-bye to Florida for a couple months and I flew back up with my sister Patty and my very generous helpful national travelling nephew Andrew. I am not a great traveller but it was a better trip this year. It was better for two reasons: 1) I didn't have a cold to fight; and 2) We had Andrew to help us with the bags and I could lie down across him and Patty for half the flight.

Then after we arrived here in Pittsburgh and had filled our famished bodies with some deliciously scrumptious chicken dish (prepared by my lovely niece Emily) I got into my trusty Porta Lung and let the NEV work its magic on my fatigued body. After a hour and a half I was pumped up and ready to go for the evening. :) 

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