Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Doctors, You Can Have 'Em!

Yesterday I went to the doctor after not seeing him for two years. Right about now you are probably asking: Why haven't you been sooner? When you go to the doctor, you wait and wait and then you wait some more. I can't afford to sit in a doctor's office for an hour and half! I have better ways to spend my time. You know the routine. They make you wait for about 15 minutes in the waiting room. Then the nurse calls your name and takes you in to a room to take your vital signs. This takes all of five minutes. Then she asks the big question. Wait for it. Wait for it. Nurse: "So, why are you here today?" Answer in my head: "I have NO IDEA! I think this is a colossal waste of time." So I paused for a second and during that pause my mom answered for me. I just added to Mom's story. hahaha! The fact is: I went because I'm getting older and I think my body could be changing. I had blood taken so they can run blood tests to make sure everything is fine.

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