Monday, September 21, 2009

What Shall I Say

There isn't much I have to say these days. This blog is based on me gabbing away (some might think it's more like blowing hot air when they read my posts) and yet, I have nothing to say of any consequence. Do you know how hard it is to keep this blog going? Most days I don't post anything because.... What is there to say? I like to tell stories but lately, no stories have come to mind. I spent a frustrating weekend trying to get my computer back to normal because I picked up a virus on the internet. The pain of restoring a computer is enough to make an illiterate person concerning computers go mad!! Stark raving mad!!!! I practically live on the computer. I go to school on it, earn my bread and butter on it, and keep up my social life with it. So I can't afford to have it go on the fritz! Not now...not in the middle of the school semester!!! Hey! Did I tell you, all my adoring fans, that I'm attending classes via Skype on the internet?! It's a good alternative to driving for 35-45 minutes three times a week to attend class. If I was able, I would love to physically be present but given the distance, it's impossible. So Skype is good. My nephew has Skype so video chatting is free. So he calls me just before class begins and then he turns the computer around to the front of the room to face the teacher and the board. On a good day when the internet connection on campus is working well, it's almost like I'm there!! It's very cool!!! Then, I have my nephew record each class. Just in case Skype doesn't work I have the recording to listen to.

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