Monday, August 24, 2009

Returning Home

My parents and I returned home to sunny Florida this past Saturday. The flight back was good. We left Pittsburgh to sunny weather and returned to sunny weather. Can't beat that, baby! Though we didn't get business class on the way back, we got almost as good of a deal with three seats together right behind business class. Flying is really a breeze compared to driving 18-20 hours! There is nothing like getting home in the same day! I like to go places but the actual travelling is rough. It's hard on the body. I'm glad the flight was only 2:20 because any longer would have been painful. My back and my bottom were really starting to hurt from sitting in the seat without my molded seating support. By far though, flying is still the preferred means of travel over driving. I get SUCH a headache from driving as I have to lay down on the back seat for two days without be able to see anything except trees or the sky. And just bounce or vibrate along on the highways. Not fun!!! At the end of each driving day, I have such a headache that I can't even see and then just as I begin to recover, we are back in the car again. I told my parents that I wasn't going to drive up north anymore. Fortunately the flying was uneventful and so we all will want to do it again next year - if possible.

We had a fun time in Pittsburgh. I tell you life at my sister's house is hoppin' with 8 children doing various different things and people coming and going all the time. I saw 5 out of my 7 siblings who don't live near us and various grandchildren. Busy, busy, busy! Now we are back and I'm gearing up to start my sophomore year at Ave Maria University.

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