Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Accidents Can Happen

On one of our trips to Florida I was lying on the sofa bed of our Explorer van on my right side (which is my wrong side) when we had to stop suddenly on the highway because of traffic. I fell over on to my stomach and the hanging bag that was piled on top of my porta lung came over the back of the seat landing on me. When I fell over, my face was in the pillow that was under my head so that it smothered me because the hanging bag pinned me down prohibiting me from rolling back. I called for help but was not able to raise my head high enough to get my face away from the pillow in order to project my voice for my parents to hear me. When my dad looked back I was out cold. The reason was I had some mucous in my throat (which I didn't realize) and trying to call for help plus the sudden rolling over with the hanging bag pinning me down stirred up my mucous. Mom resuscitated me with an ambu bag and we drove to the emergency room of the nearest hospital. My parents told the EMT people that we had a porta lung and this would be the quickest and best way to help recover. So, they brought the porta lung into the emergency room, set it all up, and I rested in it for an hour or so. And then we went on our way again!

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