Thursday, May 14, 2009

Porta-Lung’s Participation with Respiratory System

The Porta-Lung relaxes my lungs so that they conform to the breath work of the machine while I’m in it. It is sort of like someone who reaches out their hand to help someone who walks with a limp. When the one limping takes the hand of the helper, suddenly he can walk a little more freely feeling confident that he won’t fall. The Porta-Lung is the “helper”. By cooperating with the its breathing rhythm, I am, in a sense, unconsciouly breathing along with the machine. The Porta-Lung is taking the burden off my lungs like the helper who reaches out his hand to the limper. I get stronger as I work to align myself with the Porta-Lung’s aid to the thoracic cage. The relaxation of being inside the machine comes with the Porta-Lung’s increase in my oxygen level and the elimination of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide tends to build up more rapidly in those with respiratory difficulties because of weak lung capacity.

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