Thursday, May 14, 2009

Achieving Your Goals Inside the Porta-Lung

What if the individual needed to be inside the Porta-Lung 24 hours a day? Could he live his own life or make a living on his own? I don’t know, but I don’t see why not. One could use a computer while inside the Porta-Lung with voice recognition technology. Also, one could have a hands free telephone with a soft headset to go on his head so that one could lay there and talk to clients, family or friends without getting a headache.
If you are physically handicapped but have the use of your mind, the Porta-Lung should be a help, not a hindrance, to improving your life. One has to be able to breathe in order to live. Good oxygen levels in the body are vital to the heart and the overall functioning of the organs. My first concern is being able to breathe; everything else is adapted to this concern.
You can have a life outside the Porta-Lung. I went to school for first, second and third grade. Then I was home schooled from fourth through twelth grade. During these years I had several tutors. Some came to the house or I would go to them for tutoring. Though it takes me longer to do things with my handicap, I am working on getting a college education and hope someday to have a few books published. I enjoy writing for this blog with the mission to spread the news about the benefits of the Porta-Lung.
If you have any interest and want to know more about using the Porta-Lung, feel to post your questions here. It’s easy! Just register and post. I’ll be glad to answer any questions that I can.

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