Saturday, April 11, 2015

Appeal For Donations

I am starting a nonprofit to raise money which will cover the cost of upgrades to the NEV-100's technology as well as insurance and regulation fees. The nonprofit is called The Sacred Breath Foundation.
The Sacred Breath Foundation seeks to raise awareness and funding for patients’ continued access to and use of non-invasive negative-pressure forms of respiratory care, which have become less common yet no less effective in the treatment of pulmonary disorders over the past two decades. Through this advocacy, the foundation seeks donations to benefit the maintenance and upgrading of existing negative-pressure ventilatory medical equipment and the development of modern, effective negative-pressure ventilators for use by new and existing patients desiring an option of care outside of positive-pressure (both non-invasive and invasive) or biphasic cuirass ventilation.

The Sacred Breath Foundation seeks to give an alternative form of respiration to people who suffer from chronic respiratory failure, primarily diseases affecting the spinal cord. Through the Foundation it is our goal to ensure the continued manufacturing and selling of the NEV-100.

If you would like to offer your financial support, please visit
Sacred Breath Foundation

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