Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Mary and the Mass

Mary lives on in the Church. Jesus gave us her at the foot of the Cross. As the perfect bride of Christ, she allows her son to conform her to the Church. In her life, she was slowly transformed from private mother (bringing forth Jesus) to a public mother at the foot of the cross. Her maternity didn’t belong to her but was for the world. In her pilgrimage, she emptied herself more. The pilgrim Church participates in Mary’s life. She accompanies us in our journey because she experienced all the situations we might encounter in life. She went through many difficult things. When the Church goes through persecution now, she is again traveling that path with every persecuted Christian. Even if we forget to turn to her, she is still there in amazing ways holding our hand. Whenever the Church is going through dark and violent times, she is most concerned for us as our mother.

The beginning of Mass is like advent (Mary’s pregnancy) and her journey to Bethlehem. In listening to Old Testament reading it is a pointing to Christ. We are waiting for the consecration where through the hands of the priest the grace of the Holy Spirit changes the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. Consequently, up until this point of the Mass, we hear the Gospel but are not able to yet fully enjoy it until the Consecration.
Liturgy of Word & Penitential Rite -  Preparation for Christ’s coming, Advent – Mary’s pregnancy and trip to Bethlehem.
The Offertory is like the Annunciation when the Son of God is conceived and given to the world.
Consecration – the instant of the Incarnation – God coming down – what was the flesh of Mary becomes God’s body by the power of the Holy Spirit (the Holy Spirit overshadowing Mary at her conception of Jesus) The words of Christ spoken by the priest “This is my body” is Mary's fiat or "yes" to God. There is a parallel between the obedience of the priest to Christ’s words, “Do this in remembrance of me” and Mary’s words to the servants at the Wedding Feast in Cana, “Do whatever He tells you”.
As Mary was willing to give her whole self, she is willing to give up her possession of her Son for the world. She wants Him to use her however He wants. She continually is the origin of His human nature, including His Eucharistic self giving. JPII also talks about us receiving the Eucharist through Mary. Although the Word became flesh at a certain place and time, it continues in the Eucharist and will never end. Mary guides the faithful to the Eucharist. God chose that He would always come to us through His mother and He never let His mother be dead. She has always existed as His mother. He wants us to always receive Him through her consent. God didn’t want to become man without her consent.
Reception of Communion – Mary helps us to receive Jesus worthily. She has already said yes for us and she can join our yes to hers.

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