Friday, August 30, 2013

Back to School

Once again I begin another semester at Ave Maria University. I can hardly wait! I am looking forward to getting back into the school routine(I think?). The challenge of the academics is really fun and I have set a pretty good longterm academic goal for myself. This semester I am taking a course called Mary, the Mother of God. So I will be studying the Virgin Mary from a biblical standpoint and from Tradition of the Catholic Church. Tradition is a term used in Catholicism which means "all the doctrines taught in the Catholic Church which are not written in the Bible." Catholics believe the Virgin Mary was immaculately conceived, which means she was conceived without Original Sin. God preserved from all sin so that the Son of God would have a clean worthy place to dwell when He chose to become one of us and enter this world to redeem us from sin. Mary is the Theotokus - the Temple of God.

My new teacher is going to be Dr./Mrs. Waldstein. Having new teachers is always fun but also a bit nervewracking at first as it is like entering uncharted waters. What do they expect from me? What are they looking for in papers? I remember this one professor I had, Dr. Baxa, who was particularly challenging. Just when I thought I had written my papers with the information he wanted, it would turn out that I missed things he was looking for. I would come so close but just miss by an inch or two. Painful! Worth the challenge though! Now, Dr. Riordan - with him, I can do no wrong! I love that man! He's a great teacher because he tells exactly what he wants in your papers. With him, there is no mystery and no guessing. He is totally straightforward and honest. No guile. No pretensions. Dr. Riordan is awesome!!!

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