Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday, the Day of Sacrificial Love

The Liturgy of the Hours had a beautiful meditation for the morning prayers for Good Friday. It says, "As Jesus died on the cross, all laws failed. Roman laws had accused an innocent man, natural laws ceased to exist, and the moral law inherent in man's own heart crucified Our Savior. As we continue in our reflection through Holy Week, today we must come to accept that justice may not exist in our cause. Things may not seem fair. It's as if we must hold our breath....progress suspended. Today's paradox is: we know a Godly commitment leads to good. We recognize that God is present with us as we strive to do His will. We have hope that new life will come; but today, unfortunately, can feel like a place without justice. Today, only the law of love remains."

Mary: "Flesh of my flesh. Heart of my heart. Let me die with you."


On this day Jesus sheds His precious blood in atonement for the sins of the world. Pope Benedict points out how the human person of Jesus did not want to endure the cross but the Divine person was obedient to His Father saying, "Not My Will but Thy Will be done." He lived out His public ministry as High Priest with obedience and humility all the way to the Cross. As the New Adam Christ overcame the primordial sin of Adam - to be God - and humbled Himself in an act of complete love by shedding His blood for us. To do God's Will requires obedience and humily on our part and like Christ we have an opportunity to say "yes" to the Father and accept the sacrifice involved in doing His Will. We will suffer and be persecuted for professing our faith in Jesus and His Church but if we unite our sufferings to Jesus' suffering on the cross, we will gain eternal life.

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