Sunday, March 4, 2012

Catching up

Hello All,
It's been a long period of time since I have written. Life has been very busy here in my neck of the woods - many things have happened - so many things have taken place that the memories of them are just a blur to me now! I can't recall everything, and frankly, I don't want to try. Lol. To be honest, I really dried up on ideas to blog about (that I thought would be of any interest, that is)! Then my sister Meg told me I should be blogging and letting people know what goes on in my life from day to day. Sometimes I wonder WHY anyone would have ANY interest in knowing this stuff. Frankly, I find it boring and mundane, but that's just the biographer's opinion. My readers can draw their own conclusions. Meg got the idea for my blogging from her daughter-in-law Jessica's blog which she and I agree is so fun! (Cheers Jess!) I told Meg that I have a blog so she looked at it and we both decided I needed to update it by giving it a fresh, fun and peaceful easy-to-read look. With the help of Jessica Pince I am giving the blog a "makeover". Pictures are up in my Photo Gallery and more will be coming (hopefully) soon. My "photographer" has to email me some prints that I have already requested from here. Meg, that would be you, dear! Haha! You can also check out the "My Story" page where I give a brief summary of my autobiography.

Another reason I have not written is because I have been VERY busy with school. I am a sophomore at Ave Maria University and I love the courses at this school! The teachers are wonderful. We have gone through our ups and downs as a newly established Catholic university but with Mr. Jim Towey as our president, it looks like he is the best man for the job and will lead us in the right direction - both spiritually and financially. Please join me in praying for Mr. Towey that he can have success in getting AMU to solvency. As he said, "Ave Maria is under the Blessed Mother's protection and with her help, we will reach the goal." We have to trust in God. That is the lesson for me that I continue to learn every day. Trust in God, trust that He will give me what I need through the hands of the people who care for me on a daily basis.

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