Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What a Zooey Experience

Last week we went to the Pittsburgh zoo with three of my sisters and their families. In all, we were twenty-three in number. What a crowd! The Pittsburgh zoo is quite good because they have a lot of animals and an aquarium too with several sharks. You walk under the tanks so the sharks swim above you and you can get a good look at their teeth. I personally have high respect for these animals and prefer to stay out of their path. The lions and the elephants were probably the most entertaining - apart from the orangutan who was doing his best to entertain us. He was swinging on a rope backwards, forwards, upside down while his peers were over across the way in the pen peacefully sleeping. The lions were cool. The male lion was standing on a rock roaring and making a lot of commotion. There were four elephants and two of them were babies. They were born in the spring and it was written up in the local paper. It was fun to watch the elephants eat...I had never seen elephants eat before. They are quite adept at sifting through the straw with their trunks and getting small portions to put in their mouths. Amazing! It was cool to go to the zoo and behold all the various creatures and to think God created all of them!

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