Wednesday, June 10, 2009

School Days

Music class at Sacred Heart consisted of learning to play the recorder. I was a spectator in this class because I did not have extra wind to waste on learning to play this instrument. So I merely sat in the back of the room while all the other children blew out these ear-wrenching notes. Some probably had a little talent for music but to me it all sounded the same - very bad - and the noise was deafening! Well, at one point all the kids reached the same high note on their recorders at the same time and it sent me into hysterics. The noise reached fever pitch and must have triggered something in my brain sending me back to my days in ICU where alarms on respirators were constantly going off. The high pitched noise of the recorders probably subconsciously triggered something in me and caused me to go beserk. I had to literally leaving the room to calm down. It was weird! Fire alarms used to do the same thing to me but now that I'm older I can control myself so that alarms no longer affect me that way.


  1. Dear Therese,
    It was interesting looking at your Weblog; my Aunt Maria showed it to me.
    I have a question about the Portalund: does it squeeze your neck when you use it?
    My aunt shared some of her Starbucks gift card with me and my sister Anna - I heard that she got it from you.
    Love melanie

  2. Great question, Melanie! It can squeeze your neck if you tighten the collar too tight. But no, it doesn't because I don't let it get too tight. Also, I put a cloth like a fleece cloth which is nice and soft so it protects my neck and absorbs any leaks in the collar.
    Your aunt Maria earned every bit of that Starbucks gift card. She was so patient and kind to me - a great teacher! I'm glad you and your sister got to share in the Starbucks experience. Thanks for posting. Come back soon.


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