Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Therapy in Constant Negative Base Line Pressure

The Porta-Lung feels very therapeutic with its constant negative base line pressure. Just as a PT gives therapy by stretching a person’s leg or arm muscles, the Porta-Lung gives therapy to the lungs through its breath work. The Porta-Lung user can breathe in sync with the machine without having to do all the work. For someone with respiratory problems, my diaphragm and lungs really appreciate the rest after a hard day’s exercise. The Porta-Lung decreases the carbon dioxide levels in my lungs which gradually rises throughout the day. In the past there have been times when the CO2 rose to dangerously high levels, causing me to pass out. Also, the air flow in the Porta-Lung chamber helps to get air into those areas of my lungs which are non-functional due to paralysis. It is very consoling to know that the Porta-Lung can bring my oxygen levels up to their highest potential. I think I normally breathe with 1 ½ lungs considering my respiratory paralysis. When I used positive pressure, I noticed that my heart rate would skyrocket. Perhaps this was due to the breathing pattern of positive pressure and the shallowness in the breaths. Whatever the case, it wasn’t restful. It’s pretty cool to have a machine like the Porta-Lung to do the work for you!
As I stated in previous blogs, the Porta-Lung can be refreshment to those with respiratory problems. One time I had an accident where I passed out in the car and ended up in the hospital. We had the Porta-Lung in the back so we brought it into the emergency room of the hospital and they put me on it immediately. Within a half hour I was fine.

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