Saturday, May 30, 2009

Imagination Run Wild

One day when we were living in Newton Centre, MA, Mom was sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper and I was lying on the table feeding myself some lunch. She was reading an article about someone who had just won the lottery and Mom was giving her opinions of what she would do with the winnings. I said "If I won the lottery, I'd take a taxi to Heaven." My perspective about getting to Heaven at that time was very naive but nevertheless it was my goal to get there. As an innocent kid, I thought we could just go up to Heaven and then we'd see the Lord and be happy. All I wanted to do was be with Jesus and Mary but I had a simplistic idea of how to accomplish this task. Jesus obviously had a different plan for me to attain Heaven. His plan involves living my faith and being a light while walking through life's valley of tears. In short, we can't just sit back and expect to float into Heaven when we die. Rather, we have to love God which means we have to pray and allow Him to direct us to Heaven.


  1. Melissa is send you another comment on your blog & if you could tell me how many times can I do this & who is Our Lady's Tender Embrace . Therese from Melissa

  2. You can write as many comments as you like as long as you are nice and polite. No mean spirited hateful talk or crude or bad language will be published on this blog.

  3. Our Lady's Tender Embrace is a scene from Passion of the Christ where the actress who played Mother Mary is showing that Our Lady wept and consoled Mary Magdalene who also wept when Jesus was so brutally scourged for our sins.

  4. The Taxi to Heaven is beautiful....what a sweet story....such insight.....Write more ......

  5. Loved the part about, "We must allow God to direct us to Heaven." So true......

  6. Yeah, some days I wish Jesus had taken me to Heaven when I first got sick. I was baptized and I was too little and too immobile to commit any serious sins so I could have gone straight to Heaven then. It was a lead pipe sinch! But now... now I have to work at it. Why work at it when it can fall right into your lap? You know? lol! Just kidding. This is my weird sense of humor coming out - don't take these words too seriously.

    Yep, we have to rely on God to direct us on the road to Heaven. We can't do it on our own. There are too many temptations from the world, the flesh and the devil that catch us and lead astray. What we perceive as good may not be good so we need to be very prudent and discerning.


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